Click Image To Visit Site "Do You Realize That Confidence Is a Vibration That You Can Easily Learn To Tune into? … And That Once you learn How, Your Life is 100% Guaranteed To Change."
If you have been looking for an easy-to-use tool that will enable you to easily tweak your beliefs, vibration, and frequency around self confidence, then this website may just be the one you have been searching for.
Since 2008 I have created powerful self-help audio programs that have changed thousands of people’s lives in over 30 countries.
I have done extensive studying, and my work with them has enabled me to visit many countries and meet so many different people, which has always been my goal.
On this website you will read about my sixth Self Hypnosis Ho’oponopono audio – "Boost Your Confidence with Ho’oponopno".
As a child, I was never taught about things like the law of attraction, vibrational healing or Ho’oponopono.
Due to their childhoods, upbringings and young adult lives, my parents had completely different ideas about confidence, abundance and success, which they had received from their own families.
Through no fault of their own they passed on to me what they learned from their parents and in time, their "programs" and beliefs became my “programs” and beliefs.
It soon became obvious to me that if someone grew up in a family where their parents or primary caregiver was uptight, tense, worried and generally anxious about life, the children couldn’t help but bring those same "programs" and beliefs forward into adult life, unless they learned how to treat it.
Early on I made a decision that I had to stop this happening to me because on an emotional level, I did not want to mirror the way my parents approached life.
So, as I got older I tried many different methods to try and improve my self-confidence, but soon realized that even though I was attempting to adopt new thought processes and adjust my behavior, I was not getting to the core (my subconscious mind) of where the problem was. I was despondent and struggling emotionally.
In early 2008 I discovered focused meditation and Ho’oponopono. Until that time I really had no idea that there were techniques like this that could help clear my ‘blocks’, to enable me to live a happier, more fulfilled and self-confident life.
With the inspiration of my mentor, Dr Joe Vitale, over the next three and a half years I incorporated what I learned to create five self-help audio programs, which have since impacted the lives of thousands of people in over 30 countries.
These programs covered the topics of abundance, prosperity, hope and trust, and letting go of resentments. My audio programs received an incredible response and until today, I still get emails from people telling me how they have improved their lives.
Not long ago, a client of mine from London emailed me to ask me an interesting question: she wanted to know what was the most… Read more…
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