Click Image To Visit Site Why? Simple. I am about to share with you scientifically proven techniques and the newest research and strategies known today to get over a breakup.
Whether you are in acute heartbreak or still hurting from an ex three exes ago, these scientifically proven techniques and the newest research and strategies known today will get over the emotional devastation of breakups.
If you are like I was, you’ve had your heart broken more times than you care to count. The more breakups you have had, the harder it is to recover. It is as if all of the disappointment from all of your exes still hounds you night and day.
Up until now, there wasn’t anything out there to help those of us who were obsessive about love, especially after a breakup.
You have just discovered a cutting-edge Breakup Recovery Guide that will not fail. In fact, using these tried and tested methods, you can go from obsessing over your ex 24/7 to 100% clear of him in both body and mind in just 28 days, guaranteed!
"As a woman at the receiving end of a breakup, the most important skill you need to guarantee relationship success in the future is to manage your brain chemistry." ~Dr. Berit Brogaard
When someone breaks up with you, or you are experiencing severe heartbreak from other situations, you lose something that is important to you.
As far as your brain is concerned, losing something is a threat to your very life! I know it seems dramatic, but it is true.
And when a threat is present, your brain’s natural reaction is to react with fear and tell the body that it should be prepared for action. This is like turning on a faucet so that stress hormones flow through your body and tell it to fight for its life or run for the hills.
The bigger the shock, the stronger the flow of panic and grief neurochemicals. How do you know? Your heart is galloping. Your muscles tense up. You have difficulty breathing normally. Tears flow down your cheeks.
No one teaches you how important it is to physically detoxify after a breakup. Recent research clearly shows that relief from the physical symptoms shortens the breakup recovery period. You must turn off the inner faucet pumping the stress chemicals through your body and release the natural and soothing neurochemicals that will cool and cleanse your system.
Finally there is a proven method that will help you get over lost love once and for all. 28 Daily Practices to help you detach from your ex in mind and body…for good!
"The number one success strategy in breakup recovery and attracting the best partner is having a strategic action plan and accountability to see it through." ~Catherine Behan
When you get the bad news and the breakup is final, a powerful flood of chemicals released by your brain zooms to your bloodstream and literally shocks your system. The release of these… Read more…
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