Saturday, April 19, 2014

Headache Relief For Headache Pain in 30 Seconds! Reviews Reviews

Headache Relief For Headache Pain in 30 Seconds!Click Image To Visit Site You don’t realize it, but in the next few minutes you’re going to learn that it’s possible for YOU to take away a headache with amazing speed! It’s faster than taking aspirin!

My name is Bob Ross. In addition to 25 years of saving lives with the Fire Department, I am known as the "Miracle Medic" on movie sets for my ability to take away headaches in 30 seconds.

I have worked on The Amazing Race, The Apprentice, NBC’s Biggest Loser, Criminal Minds, Big Brother, and feature films with Cuba Gooding Jr., Will Smith, as well as live appearances/vidoes with Justin Timberlake, Faith Hill, Britney Spears, Katie Perry and many more.

But I am also there to assist with minor medical issues such as indigestion, allergies, dry eyes, and, of course, headaches.

Several years ago, through many unusual circumstances (isn’t that how many wonderful things often happen), I was learning a therapeutic technique for helping victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). During this training, it was just mentioned in passing that during therapy, some patients had headaches go away.

If you are like me, you are almost incapacitated by a headache. So the idea fascinated me, and I set out to perfect a quick headache cure.

Just last week I was in the cafeteria of a medical building, and the woman behind me asked the cashier if they had aspirin. I turned to her and smiled (because I knew what was about to happen next if she accepted my offer :-) and asked if she had a headache.

She said "yes," and I asked if she would mind if I just took it away. She looked at me like I was from another planet, then said "OK," but with the look of great doubt on her face.

Can you imagine what a great feeling it is to help someone like that? That’s why I got into the Paramedic field to begin with.

Another personal story: My friend Josh called me one night asking for my help. His friend had a headache but didn’t know the technique. I was able… Read more…

Headache Relief For Headache Pain in 30 Seconds! Reviews

from Ok Reviews



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