Saturday, April 19, 2014

Alpha Male Pickup – The Ultimate Dating and Seduction Guide Reviews

Alpha Male Pickup - The Ultimate Dating and Seduction GuideClick Image To Visit Site "Discover The Insider Tactics To Pickup As Many As 10 Women A Month Effortlessly Even If You Are Intensely Shy, Embarassingly Unattractive or Painfully Broke"

Attract and Seduce Any Woman, Anywhere at Any Time Armed With The Underground Alpha Male Artistry That Pulls Gorgeous Girls In Like Sexually Charged Magnets!

If a woman was thinking logically she would never enter into a relationship with someone that could bring her pain. "Big deal" you say. "That’s no secret." Not so fast, let me explain. For generations our friends, families and the media have taught us to attract women by appealing to their logic. Don’t believe me? Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Scenario #1: You are completely in love with a girl that you know. You shower her with compliments, buy her gifts, make her feel as if she is the queen of the universe. She seems to appreciate your nice gestures but for some reason never lets you out of the dreaded "friend zone". Logically she should like you, you are taking care of her like most men do not. You are making her feel loved and valued. The problem is she does not think logically. She is thinking emotionally. What she is really thinking is you are expressing value lower than hers. You are being submissive and constantly seeking her approval. She may even be giggling behind your back and telling her friends you are her emotional tampon.

Scenario #2: You see a beautiful woman across the bar. You work up the courage to speak to her, politely introducing yourself and engaging in conversation. She turns away out of disinterest and maybe even throws you a courtesy "Nice to meet you" only to forget you 30 seconds later. Why didn’t this work either? You were nice and logic tells us to be receptive to nice people. You decide it must be due to your looks or height. Maybe it’s because of your gut or your bald head. WRONG! The truth is you did nothing to tap into her emotions. Nothing about you set yourself apart from the crowd. Quite simply, you did not display alpha male characteristics that serve as a beacon to hot women.

Even if neither scenario applies to you, whatever your excuse is doesn’t matter because Alpha Male Pickup is based upon tapping into psychological principles that are hard wired in the female brain. You aren’t using cheesy lines but rather cracking the code to a woman’s emotions. This is huge because women cannot deny their feelings no matter how hard they try! Now I am not saying you need to turn into some coniiving smooth talker or some jerk. This is not the image I have in mind for you. What if I told you that you could develop all of the attractive skills of the ‘bad boys’ while still maintaining your decency and integrity?

My methods are based on scientific reasoning as I am absolutely certain that you can attract women to you… Read more…

from Ok Reviews



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