Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fat Loss Presentation – – Get Flat Abs – Six Pack Abs – Lose Belly Fat – Ab Exercises – Core Strength – Ab Strength Reviews

Fat Loss Presentation - - Get Flat Abs - Six Pack Abs - Lose Belly Fat - Ab Exercises - Core Strength - Ab StrengthClick Image To Visit Site By The End Of This Presentation… You’ll Know The Fastest Way To Get A Flat Stomach. A gift from Dr. Kareem Samhouri, HFS, CSCS

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Would you let Joe the Plumber do work on your teeth? No? So what makes sane people sink hard-earned cash into abs products on late-night TV? That would be as crazy as trusting a diet pulled from a celebrity mag, right?

Yet this is why 99% of people spend years trying and failing to get that six pack they’ve always dreamed of. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see my point here…

You heard all about my qualifications earlier, but over on the left there’s another reason I am hugely qualified to help you get that six pack.

Yep, that’s me in all my glory during my big boy days. One key point I skipped before is I know first-hand exactly what it takes to go from chunky to chiseled.

I got a pretty good start on life: by my senior year of high school, I was appearing for the USA East water polo team. I kept playing at college but within a couple of years there, my shoulders were so beaten up my own doctor told me the damage was inoperable.

Somehow, that didn’t stop me playing. But by the start of my doctorate, I’d piled on 30 pounds. This time, all my joints hurt and my doctor wanted to test me for arthritis and Lyme disease.

As it turns out, I was suffering from obesity. I finally began to put the pieces together and use the right strategies: I rehabbed my joints, lost 32 pounds and 17% body fat and basically changed my life.

But really that was just the start. As well as earning my doctorate and other certifications, I have worked in some of the best hospitals, rehab facilities and gyms in the U.S. – including my own fitness center.

All of this has led to a point where I’m now asked to appear on TV to explain major fat loss discoveries I’ve made, like my cutting-edge Metabolic and Neural Training Protocols.

I went through the science behind these protocols earlier. But, in a nutshell, they ramp up your response to any exercise program, hugely accelerating your results. They are what makes Ab Strength a doctor-guaranteed way to get real abs in a hurry and have a blast doing it.

Too much hype? Hey, I think I’ve earned some bragging rights with Ab Strength. In fact, considering I’m almost giving it away, I’d go as far as to call it:

The main Ab Strength program includes five info-rich video modules. Each of which has me leading you through a 10-minute workout of 10 different exercises. We push it, but we get… Read more…

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