Click Image To Visit Site You may have heard me talk about this before… but the almost unbelievable fat burning and muscle building results that occur when you combine multiple training variables and modalities is nothing short of miraculous!
The amazing physiological response by using this "Hybrid Muscle Training" is that you actually build a new type of muscle fiber…
A "super" muscle fiber that is so dense with mitochondria, that as a result it Burns 173% more fat than your average Type 1 or Type 2 muscle fibers.
Most people who exercise or lift weights understand that Type 1 Muscle Fibers are used by your body to endure long stints of exercise, things like running a marathon fit into this category.
They also know that Type 2 Muscle Fibers are best suited for sprinting, jumping and lifting heavy things.
When you combine Type 2 Muscle Training with Type 1 Muscle Training your body respond by transforming your muscles into Type 3 "Hybrid" Muscle Fibers!
So, like I said earlier we’ve got to combine the two types of training to gain more of the lean Type 3 Hybrid Muscle.
The amazing thing about this Type III muscle fiber is that it has the capacity to grow larger and leaner… WHILE simultaneously burning fat!
I began using a "Hybrid Muscle" Training System that forced my muscles to get leaner and harder by combining heavy weight training, resistance cardio, circuits and intense intervals.
So I consulted an old friend that once worked as a PT instructor with the Israeli Army about what kind of diet would be best to follow…
My friend explained to us that he had designed a diet that would allow his soldiers, who may go days without any food, to maintain lean muscle mass while enduring rigorous training and military missions.
The goal of this diet is to force your body to use pure fat for energy while preserving or even BUILDING lean muscle mass!
He explained that by "partitioning" our nutrients into different days of the week, we could ensure that only the muscles would be fed while the fat would could… Read more…
Lean Hybrid Muscle Building – Burn Fat Build Muscle Download
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