Thursday, February 27, 2014

Revolutionary Breathing Technique Relieves Stress and Helps Relax – The Ocean Breath Download Reviews

Revolutionary Breathing Technique Relieves Stress and Helps Relax - The Ocean BreathClick Image To Visit Site This is a no pun intended breath taking book. Its easy reading, simple, and yet profound. It holds the secret to health, well being and personal transformation. And to think its as easy as breathing in a certain way! Beautiful!

Air is free. We don’t rent it, pay for it, get it bottled, or even think about it that much. And yet, if we lose the air in our lungs, we die. We can survive without water for up to 4 days. We can survive without food for 3 weeks, but without air, we die within minutes.

And yet the air is so much more than survival. The Ocean Breath a method I am abut to explain, does so much more.

"This inspired book reveals with simple clarity the power of The Ocean Breath both to calm you if you are stressed or anxious and to awaken you to higher levels of consciousness in a matter of a few conscious breaths. It brings you directly to the safety of the moment where your humanness and your divinity merge. Like the ocean itself, it is calming and invigorating depending of what you need."

My book The Secrets of the Ocean Breath is a result of over 40 years of observation, experimentation, and teaching. The Ocean Breath is the breath Nature intended us to take but by the time weve reached our teens, most of us have completely forgotten it.

“Thank you, Carla for such a gift! After seeing you my orgasms which were kind of weak and not really satisfying became more powerful. Just before writing you I had an intense orgasm that was mind blowing. I can now relax enough to really feel all the sensations I was missing when I was preoccupied with my performance. My lover is now ecstatic and wants me to teach her the Ocean Breath” – David

“I notice that when I breathe with my nose into my upper chest I am thinking instead of feeling. There are times when thinking is essential, but not when I need to check in with myself about what… Read more…

Revolutionary Breathing Technique Relieves Stress and Helps Relax – The Ocean Breath Download

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