Click Image To Visit Site We both know the problem, you get a good lead on a buried cache, which turns out to be somewhere in hundreds of acres of land. How do you find it? Well you could spend years searching every square inch with a metal detector, providing the terrain is suitable but, if the treasure is too deep for your detector, you would NEVER find it. Then again, you could spend big bucks on controversial long-range locators, which at best only hint at the location or you could try dowsing, which is at least free.
Louis J Matacia came up with an answer in the form of a certain Polaroid camera able to photograph treasure auras, which was great, I found treasure myself using just such a tool. The problem now is that the camera is obsolete, although still fairly readily available on the used market and Polaroid stopped making the film in 2005. The last original film pack I bought was two years out of date and cost $60. And it will only get worse from here on in, eventually becoming unobtainable at any price! So is that the end of using auras to locate buried treasure?
Not at all! I set about trying to find a solution and came up with two! The first is that there is a widely used Polaroid film readily available that can easily be used in the camera. And more importantly it captures treasure auras just as good or better than the original film. The second solution discussed in great detail is wait for it YOU CAN CAPTURE TREASURE AURAS WITH DIGITAL CAMERAS! Not collectors items like the Polaroid, mind you, but bang up to date models that you can buy anywhere tomorrow…
THE SUCCESSFUL TREASURE HUNTER’S SECRET MANUAL: Discovering Treasure Auras in the Digital Age, will clearly show you:
how to buy a Polaroid camera that can see buried treasure and how to use film that is still available (page 8)
a number of unusual devices for finding treasure that have been investigated save time and money by knowing the facts (page 15)
digital cameras that you can quickly and easily convert to see buried treasure and how to use them (page 18)
The digital camera works brilliantly. Auras can be obtained on gold down to a quarter of an ounce or less thats a single coin or nugget! The camera can even… Read more…
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