Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Natural Ear Aches Cures and Treatments Reviews

Natural Ear Aches Cures and TreatmentsClick Image To Visit Site Elizabeth Noble Qualified Naturopath BSc. Dip Nat Res. Dip Nat Ther. Complementary Medical Assoc Member "Health Practitioners who naturally care"

Dear Elizabeth, Thank you for answering my e-mails. I’ve been using your methods for the last two weeks – and my kids’ ear aches and infections have cleared up! (I have a 2 and a half year old and a baby). Thank you again for all of your time and feedback!. I plan on using your suggestions for many moons to come! Sincerely, Kelli H, Austin, Texas USA

Dear Ear Ache Sufferer or Concerned Parent, If you or your child are sick and tired of feeling miserable and run down, if your ear is red raw and swollen and you’ve finally had a gut full of ear aches and ear infections… then this could be the most important letter you’ve read all year.

There is now a safe and easy way to stop an ear ache in its tracks… without undergoing expensive treatment and without taking a fistful of drugs either.

My name’s Elizabeth Noble and I’m a qualified naturopath here in Sydney. I know first hand just how terrible it can be to suffer from the relentless pain of an ear infection. I know, because several years ago, I was where you are now. In my case I was struggling to help my very sick 2 year old son, who was battling with painful recurrent ear infections. Joshua was just 3 months old when he experienced his first ear infection. It had started off with a simple cold, but quickly progressed into a full blown ear infection.

He woke in the middle of the night clutching his little ear whilst screaming till he was bright red in the face. There was nothing we could do to console him. We rang the local hospital who advised us to wait till morning and take him to the local doctor. We spent the night rocking him, pacing the floor boards, patting his back – we tried everything to relieve his pain. I was at my wits end and my heart broke to see him in so much pain.

At first light we were on the doctor’s doorstep, desperate for advice. The doctor prescribed painkillers and antibiotics, and within a few hours things had seemed to settle down. Within a few days we thought he was over it, but in less than one month the ear infection had returned! Back to the doctor and another prescription of antibiotics. And the same again six weeks later.

This cycle continued, and by the time he was 14 months old Joshua had taken at least five rounds of antibiotics!

The doctors did not seem to have a clue. We were sent on a futile merry-go-round of doctors appointments, medical tests, more antibiotics and dangerous drugs.

Some medications made Joshua as sick as a dog with diarhhorea, nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness, thrush and bright red skin rashes. Some drugs would seem to give him relief for a… Read more…

from Ok Reviews http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OkReviews/~3/DQZ9mSqgqjY/



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