Click Image To Visit Site 1. Yelling at your Parrot to "SHUT UP" when it screams 2. Over-reacting and shouting "OOOH", "AAAH" or "OUCH" whenever it bites 3. Giving your Parrot only seeds to eat 4. Placing the cage near the window overlooking the garden 5. Putting your Parrot above chest level 6. Having a single perch in your Parrot’s cage 7. Placing the food and water bowls just beneath the perch 8. Placing your new Parrot on your shoulders…
Even if you are doing any one of the above, you are inadvertently snowballing bad Parrot behavior. It’s time you correct your Parrot handling techniques to become a perfect Parrot parent in just 15 easy days…"
Not even the worst blood-drawing biters, crystal-shattering screamers, or stubborn, party-pooper non-talkers have a chance to resist these powerful Parrot training techniques… get your Parrot to do exactly what you want with ease…
"In just under 2 weeks I have gone from a quivering, tearful, frustrated bird rescuer, to the proud owner of Dylan, the Parrot who in his own words is ‘alright’…. Thank you for your information…" (Josette Bellham, Lowestoft, UK.)
"Your training info has done a great amount with my Parrot … My bird now is very friendly towards everybody and looks forward to getting out of his cage and onto people’s hands." (Stella Lam, Danville, Virginia.)
"Thank you so much for your training info, it has worked wonders with my Parrot Sam, his talking has improved, and I am much more confident in handling him and understanding him." (Pauline Chamberlain)
"We were about to find him a new home. However, your techniques regarding responding to shrieking episodes have worked. He is much more calm and playful. His biting attempts, handled in the way you suggest (moving into the bite) have dropped considerably, and he is not biting as hard." (Terry Clark, Los Gatos, California)
"Wow I cant believe it! Its already starting to work, today I had D.J. on my hand, which he would never do, unless I had a towel on my hand because he would bite me vicously, but… now i can acctually hold and pet him! What a difference!" (Ashley Bratt, League City, Texas)
"This book puts its ideas into terms that you can understand, many things not thought of by the general population such as bathing, preventing illness… useful tips about cage placement… and definite direction as… Read more…
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