Saturday, December 28, 2013

How To DeClutter Your Home Reviews

How To DeClutter Your HomeClick Image To Visit Site Did you do it? Did you take a good look at those amazing (and frightening) pictures? What they show is MY home, which was once a nightmare to live in. Few people reading this will have had a house this messy but I’m sure you can understand what I went through.

I’m going to tell you the story behind the above pictures and then reveal to you the formula I created to get my place DeCluttered fast and for good…

*knock* *knock* *knock* goes the door and my heart skips a beat. The first thing that races through my mind is "my place is a mess!"

One day my wife sat me down and told me she could no longer live with my clutter. She told me she loved me and wanted to build a remarkable life together, but all my "stuff" was getting in the way.

The clutter was causing us to fight. We couldn’t relax when we were home and when we were out we felt anxious about the chaos waiting for us when we returned. And of course, we both wanted to let people into our home without feeling self-conscious. We knew people were silently judging us based on our clutter.

And I knew she was right. I needed to change the way I lived. What I didn’t tell her was the question that immediately came to my mind…

I couldn’t remember the last time I had parked in my garage or even what my basement floor looked like. The clutter had become so overwhelming, I couldn’t imagine where to begin.

I can remember looking around at all the clutter and feeling paralyzed. I couldn’t take action and didn’t really know why.

And even if I somehow managed to start, I couldn’t finish and the clutter would pile back up in a week or two. It was unbelievably frustrating.

It drained me and my family of our energy and was always nagging at the back of my mind, screaming: "clean me, organize me, throw me away!" But I would just put it off until "later", which of course never came.

It didn’t take me long to realize that all this clutter lead to my clinical depression. And the more depressed I became over my out-of-control clutter, the more clutter seemed to pile up around me.

Maybe it was me trying to fill a void… Read more…

from Ok Reviews



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