Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Reviews Reviews

mobilemillionsblueprint.comClick Image To Visit Site Hello, my name is Clark Ken and for 9 years I was a telecommunication core network engineer responsible for setting up and maintaining a huge network in the Phillipines that handles massive mobile traffic. And just like yourself, I watched as thousands cashed-in on the mobile app revolution sweeping our planet and thought to myself:

Despite my technical background, I still didn’t have the precise Object C or CS5 programming experience to just transform my app idea into reality. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to go out and hire some expensive App Developer either. Plus—I really wasn’t sure I could actually trust someone with my idea (I mean—why wouldn’t they just steal the idea and make my app for themselves and keep all the profits?).

And so—I decided to go it alone and muddle through trying to teach myself the programming language and just develop my app by myself. What a complete WASTE of TIME! Even with my technical background and using some “app templates”—it was hopeless. I just didn’t have the time to learn this new complex language AND work my regular job AND actually market the app once it was complete.

But then I realized something: I didn’t have to actually program and develop the app from scratch—I just need a SYSTEM that would do three critical things:

It’s simple: No matter how smart or dedicated you are, NO ONE can take on the programming, design, and marketing functions necessary to successfully monetize an app—at least not by themselves. But, it IS possible for one person to come up with the initial idea and then use a simple but effective system to get the app developed, designed, and ultimately monetized using outsourcing and some simple legal documents to protect your interests. And although I had to invest some serious time and money developing the system through trial and error, I finally created the PERFECT system for converting app ideas into cold hard cash:

That is IT! You don’t need ANY programming or marketing experience… Read more… Reviews

from Ok Reviews



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