Wednesday, March 26, 2014

High Blood Pressure Cures Reviews Reviews

High Blood Pressure CuresClick Image To Visit Site Every day I see the same pattern repeat itself, once you start on a prescription for High Blood Pressure, you’ll end up taking another 5 prescriptions within 5 years!

I’m your average Pharmacist who’s been working with patients for over 25 years. In addition, I come from a family of medical professionals and we spend a lot of time talking about how to improve health care for our patients. It’s frustrating when you see patients getting sicker despite having the best medical care in the world.

But one of the biggest problems I’ve seen over the last few years began this journey. It seemed to me that every time a patient began taking one prescription for High Blood Pressure, I could easily predict that that same patient would be on 4 to 8 additional prescriptions within 10 years!

It takes a lot of years of medical experience to spot trends like this. Trends that are contrary to the purpose of the medical system. . . or are they?

So I began researching the problem of High Blood Pressure. Sure enough, there was plenty of medical information available on treatment plans recommended by the government — based on information provided by the drug companies.

But patients like you aren’t getting well…as a matter of fact, you are getting sicker every day. Every patient that starts on high blood pressure medication will "develop" other health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, heart, and kidney problems within a few years. Doctors are then forced to prescribe more and more medication to control the High Blood Pressures.

After a few months of research, it dawned on me that while there is a definate plan to treat High Blood Pressure, there isn’t a plan to wean patients off of medication when the blood pressure drops down to normal levels!

What does that mean for you? More doctor’s visits, more tests and more medications. Pretty soon you’re stuck on the medical merry-go-round and you can’t get off!

Now, don’t get me wrong. Prescription medicines will definately lower your blood pressure and keep it down for a period… Read more…

High Blood Pressure Cures Reviews

from Ok Reviews



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