Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Get Feeding Picky Kids Download Reviews

Feeding Picky KidsClick Image To Visit Site A Personal Message From The Desk Of Christine Sullivan, Naturopath And Nutrition Medicine Consultant

Did you know that 80% of parents are concerned about their children’s eating habits? So you are not alone!

Even the most health conscious parents, no matter how hard they try, can have a hard time making sure their kids eat the right foods and get the right level of nutrition to keep them healthy and grow and develop into healthy adults.

BUT, you are about to find out that it IS possible to have a child who eats well…. by following firm but gentle and proven holistic, nutritional strategies.

Hi, my name is Christine Sullivan. I am a naturopath with over 26 years of clinical experience with families’, babies and children’s health, diet and nutrition medicine and am regarded as one of Australia’s leading practitioners in these fields.

Prior to my naturopathic training, I was a social worker working with families and children in care and in a children’s hospital as well as working with expectant and new parents as well as parents of toddlers. For many years I facilitated antenatal and breastfeeding support groups as well as support groups for new parents and parents of toddlers.

I have always had a special interest in babies and children’s health and eating disorders. As a child I was the ultimate picky eater and still have vivid memories of mealtime battles with my own parents, and doing the rounds of doctors and paediatricians regarding my poor eating.

I am also the mother of three now adult children. All three went through stages of very picky eating so I know what it is like as a parent to want your child “just to eat something!” and the sheer frustration and exasperation you feel… Read more…

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