Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How To Calm Your Mind, Release Stress … in Just Minutes Reviews

How To Calm Your Mind, Release Stress … in Just MinutesClick Image To Visit Site Did you know there is a difference between mental relaxation and meditation? Most people get confused as the term meditation is used a lot with numerous modalities dealing with the mind.

Mental relaxation is like taking a holiday in your mind. You picture a lovely beach scene with Palm trees and a blue ocean, or a babbling stream, a forest or some other relaxing picture.

These will help you escape from your daily hectic life, a time where you can close your eyes and suddenly become a million miles away from all your current problems and stresses … it is just escapism.

Now I’m not saying this is bad or that you shouldn’t do this, in fact it is a good way of literally taking a break from your life when you need to most. Mental relaxation will not change how you deal with stress.

Meditation is different to mental relaxation in that its’ purpose is to stop your thoughts. Once you have mastered the ability to have no thoughts present in your mind at will, then you are able to use your mind.

Intuition, creativity, energy and enthusiasm come from that quiet mind. You will have seen many meditation techniques talk about asking questions and waiting for answers. That meditation allows you to access the ability to solve problems, reduce stress and so much more.

But unless you have a quiet mind these are impossible. Meditation is trying to make your mind as calm as a mill pond, water that is crystal clear and no sign of a ripple anywhere.

When your mind is like this, asking a question or looking for answers is like watching a small ripple form when you drop a pebble in the pond.

If your mind is like the Pacific Ocean, then you could drop the Empire State building in it and not see any ripples at all.

Mediation is not placing scenes in your mind, it is emptying it, so you can access all the benefits mediation has to offer – being less stressed, sleeping better, have more energy, better health, less aches and pains and you live longer … and happier.

Chronic stress suppresses your immune system, so you are more likely to suffer from flu’s and colds, it causes rapid ageing, makes the body retain excess fat, dulls thinking, increases pain and generally reduces your quality of life.

If you can cultivate a quiet mind, you will find your muscles will relax, breathing becomes slow, deep and regular, health improves, you can slow the effects of time … and will live longer.

Mental relaxation is putting scenes of peace, happiness or enjoyment in your mind. That way you are able to forget the stresses around you and feel relaxed. (We’ll teach you a simple way to do this too, but calming the mind is the key.)

Meditation is the process of not thinking … having not a single thought in your mind. This will create mental relaxation and a quiet mind and… Read more…

from Ok Reviews



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